Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Conspiracy to Get Gifts

        I love gifts. One of my love languages is giving and receiving gifts. According to the book Five Love Languages, if I didn't receive any gifts for a long time, my love units for gifts will be half empty or just simply empty. David hasn't gotten me any gifts for a while, and because of the ridiculous diet we are doing right now, we haven't gone on a date in some nice restaurants for approximately 21/2 weeks already!! So the alert was on, and I was CRANKY.
        It was raining yesterday, and I didn't have waterproof shoes to deal with weather of this kind. We could've driven to school, but the extremely limited parking didn't even get that idea out of my mouth. So my shoes were all wet along with my socks and toes by the time I got to the office. Knowing how I am, you'll probably say: Gee, she must've complained! Knowing who actually get to read my blogs, I will say: that is right! I did, and David, who looked at me with his mild blue/green eyes, simply said in a loving and caring tone: awwww... I'm sorry.
        Before I go on with my personal life, there is one fact you need to know about me. I am outspoken. If I wanted something from my friends, I would always present my desire in a straight forward manner. I do that to my husband occasionally, but most of the time, I'd like to imagine him as a little worm living happy-ever-afterly  in my stomach, so he is supposed to know what I want or think as easily as snapping your fingers. Well, there are so many things we all want to have, but only few of them can be granted the ownership. Apparently, him as a worm is not in my possession.
        I was not happy yesterday.
        This morning, when we were waiting for the school bus by the road, it was freezing cold. I felt my toes were about to fall off. So when he approached me for some intimacy, I gave him a pretty dirty look, and groaned: my toes are cold. He looked down on my shoes, and looked up with a puzzled look on his face. He was probably wondering: you have shoes on your feet, why cold then?-----speechless. Our morning routine is he walks me to my office building every morning, and we hug goodbye, and kiss as well. Since I was upset with my cold toes and with his blindness, I didn't hug him, don't even mention kisses before I walked into the building. Yeah... I know, I'm not very nice...some time.
       My day didn't go very well, I was somehow neurotic and tired. Part of me knew that I didn't act right towards my husband. By the time I got back home from school, guess who was there in the kitchen? David! He was all mysterious when he saw me stepping in the door. And I just simply thought he was weird. He told me to sit on the couch with eyes closed after I dropped my school bag on the chair, I was suspicious, but, due to what I did to him, I did without whining. Guess again, what did he put in my hands? A box! My first response was: CHOCOLATE! (see what the diet has done to me!) It was a pair of hiking boots! "Waterproof!" He added after he saw the look on my face. Of course I was happy, but at the same time, I was feeling guilty, ashamed and somewhat conspiratorial... but again, hey, I got a gift!! My love units are instantly over flowing, and I'm happy again.
      Ha what a story!


  1. Well, that's the sanitized version anyway...Makes me sound a lot better than I remember!

  2. How sweet your husband is! My husband would throw me into the closet if I complained out of shoes for bad weather. Althogh I do have too many shoes, but you know, woman always need one more pair.
    BTW, Luckie and I are almost crazy too, for these ridiculous 3 weeks. This morning she run far far away out of our apt to play during her pee-pee time. I was so scared 'cause I thought she was lost. Hope my husband can come back soon. I would drive to airport with my feet bare rather than stay with Luckie and a pile of pretty shoes.
