Wednesday, January 19, 2011

1/18 and 1/19

I have been feeling pretty bad back pain since I got out of bed this morning. I am still tired, and you know what, I look tired too. I hate that. I especially hate it when everybody around campus is all hair-shinny, big shoes-clicking and fashioned with makeup, yet I'm in my sweatpants and sneakers with big puffy bags under my eyes...Yikes!
I had a tough class yesterday. That teacher is very serious about his teaching, which totally reflects on how many pages he SUGGESTS we read before next class throughout the semester, and how much favor pop quiz has found in his eyes. Yep. Yikes!
I finally made up my mind to go to gym after class yesterday, and kind of decided I will do that every week from Tuesday to Thursday. So I walked there yesterday afternoon. But I was stuck right outside of the gym talking to people on the phone for over an hour. Like what you guys have expected, I didn't end up going in there to sweat a bunch, instead, gained a headache from standing in the cold with my jacket unzipped. Yikes!
Most of the time when I'm in the office, I just mind my own business. Once a while, I'll crack a jok or two. I was doing any of those yesterday, I was just eating my blueberries and cashews. Just like anybody else, eating sometimes is boring, so I decided to make a statement to support one of my office mates, who flaunted his pizza when everybody else was hungry. I said " I just finished my blueberries, now I'm going to attack my nuts!". It might just be my imagination, but somehow I sensed an unusual silence for a second or two, then Chris, the guy sitting next to my cubic, cleared his throat: ye, as long as you are not going to attack my nuts... that would hurt! Immediately, the rest of the people in the room was like set free from a spell, laughing, clapping and shaking their heads. Everybody said "Grace, Grace" coming to my station with a look of saying "bad child". Nuts? People!Yikes!  


  1. Yes, perhaps you should have said, cashews instead of nuts. Perverted people that you work with but all the same...

  2. Hah! Now I'm not the only one in the family who makes off-color comments in public!
