Friday, June 3, 2011


        Now it's summer semester. Things have been great, just don't really want to read my textbooks. they are just too boring. I haven't figured out how to pass my finals yet, and to be honest, I'm not very concerned. God is going to provide, right:)
        I have been thinking about the "unconditional support". I'm wondering how much real love is actually in there. It appears so easy to be soft and warm to your friends, who are planning on doing something stupid or outrageous. When they sit across the coffee table, puring their heart out, we are supposed to show love and care through our eyes and gestures. Supposedly. The classic line is always: I will support you no matter what... I will always be there if you want to talk. Why can't we just tell them that they are indeed stupid and compulsive? I mean, we do tell our sisters, brothers, spouses, and even parents that, right? Why, suddenly, do we turn to be so harsh and cold? why so different from how you treat your friends?
       My very rational yet extreme understanding is that we'd love to play "cool" in our life when cool and nice can work to increase the admiration and love from our social group, which miraculously feeds our own ego. We all know that we won't live with the consequences coming with our friends' decisions for long. We could choose to stay put for a while, then we could go ahead and say: I will always support you like I have always been, but you need to move on... is that the only thing you can talk about when you are with me? aren't there supposed to be more than that? .... Those cards play well all the time.
        However, when we deal with family, we are so practical, real, mean (even) and truthful. We don't care shouting that we don't agree, because we know the ideas being discussed are stupid/ bad; we know if we failed to keep our stance, someone will be in trouble; we know that consequences are not joking; esp, we know very well that WE will be part of the consequences as well.
        So which one is more of love?
        People don't say it much, but they categorize their friends. At least, I do. I don't mind saying "I disagree" to the friends I care, and I wish I can say more.And, you do the same too.
        Love y'all.


  1. When it comes to giving advices or comments I try to be honest without making it sounds offensive, unless I intentionally want to hurt that person's feeling.(Oops. I'm not supposed to say that.)I insist to be true to myself and also to the people around me, no matter they are my friends or not. Of course, how much I say would depend on what I think that person can take or willing to take. And since I can take harsh comments, PLEASE be honest to me. Just say "YOU ARE STUPID" to my face when I am doing something unwise. HAHA!!! (though I think you won't have much chances to put it into practice because I am such a smart person *LAUGHING PROUDLY*)

  2. Hmmm. I guess you are right about family. We have no trouble telling each other when we are doing something stupid.
