Thursday, April 7, 2011

Trivial Pursue

Wow it has been a month since I blogged. A lot of things have happened. I wish I can have more time to blog, but school for this semester has been stressful and dreadful. Hopefully, it'll get better in the summer...but so far, all the rumors I've heard about summer semester have nothing to do with "better". Oh, well, I'm in school---enough said.
Now let me fill you in with what have happened in the past month.

1. I have some lumps growing at the left side of my neck, and they turned out to be thyroid multiple nodular caused by Hypothyroidism. Not cool. Now I'm on medication. I will get a blood work done in 2 more weeks to see if TSH and T4 have been behaving better. However, the fatigue and memory loss coming alone with this bull dog have me dragging quite a bit. Again, NOT COOL.

2. I hate the diagnosis class. Sometimes I do love it, but when my memory is not helping much, and my energy level is not good enough for what this stupid course demands, sorry, gal, I hate you alright. Just for the record, I'm not going to get 4.0 this semester because of this course.Sign~

3. I got seriously belittled by a mid-easterner at work. He called in in my working hour, and educated me not to call the student ID the banner ID; he also complained that American government didn't care about him; he decided that Financial policy needed reformation because he can't get a monthly stipend based on the current one; he criticized my English because he can't stand accented language;what's worse, he basically told me not to behave like me knowing more than he does, simply because I'm a woman. However, there are some facts you have to know about this person. First, his name is Houssein, the same as the dead dictater in Iraq---Ha, what a coincidence; Second, he is not an American citizen yet, he is here with a Green Card, and yet he complains about the government which is not even his; Third, stipend is only available for the graduate students with assistantship, since you act so smart, how come you, Mr. Big, can't get one with the stipend you want?; Fourth, Gee, his accent is even worse than mine---oh my Gosh!!; The last but not the least, he made me cry, so I'm going to talk you head off Mr!

4. The package I sent back to China to my Dad arrived yesterday. So my sister is all enthusiastic about making the tea and pouring down my Dad's throat, and praying that it'll work on him. So let's all pray together for him, my friends.

5. I had my interview for my practicum and internship. However, the site I did my interview with is too popular. It only offers 3 spots, but there are 5 of us waiting. FYI, other sites basically accept you if they interview you, no suspension whatsoever. Finger-crossed friends, pray hard!

6. David is at the retreat right now. He will be there till Sunday night. Peter is leaving tomorrow (Friday) to his orientation for his summer job. Oh boy, home alone~not gonna lie, I miss my husband already!

7. My friend, Carolyn, is pregnant with her second baby. Yah for Patrick. So he doesn't have to play with his boring Daddy all the time anymore :)

8. I went shopping. I love shopping! I wish I can go to do more shopping real soon~ I wish my shoes will still be there waiting for me to bring them home!

9. I went to see a dentist. Dental care is so expensive in America. And, big news, my dear friends, I have THREE cavities! Darn it...

10. I had Rachel and Sarah down in Auburn for a weekend, and we shared a bed for two nights, which was a lot of fun. I love my sisters-in-law!

Well, I think I have pretty much updated what happened in the past month. Read happily my friends, and have a blessed and joyful weekend! Love and hugs!

1 comment:

  1. 1, 2. HUG
    3. I'm sorry that you always have to deal with stupid people, but at least you get paid! Feel better now? :)
    4. See! I told you it would take at least two weeks!
    6. David, I will take care of your wife! HAHA
    8. Since I still have nothing too wear, let's go shopping again SOON!
