Monday, September 26, 2011


yup, again, it has almost been a month since I blogged.
Well, I don't really think anybody is anxious to read my blog anyway :)
It has been a busy semester, yet it has been a good one too.

1. I find myself seeking for more working hours than beofre. When I started my job in the office in 2010, I would always tried not to work too many hours, though I was paid for doing more. Don't get me wrong, we needed the money, but somehow, it was not on the top of my list. This year has been different. Yes we can still use more money, but at the same time,there is responsibility that I need to attend to. Truth #1 for Grace: Financial insufficience is not the driven power for humanbeings to work hard but the sense of responsibility.

2. I am also working as a RA this semester. I thought I wouldn't like research, but surprisingly, I am loving every second of it. the goal of our team is to publish one paper before I graduate, and I will be listed as the 3rd auther<3 The first two are for the professors in my department. it has been involving tons of reading, which I havent done any the past weekend... better catch up :)

3. Church!!!!!!!! soo unorganized!! I understand it is a Chinese bible group, so it does make sense to run it in a Chinese manner... but since the big enviornment (America) gives less flexibility to the elements (people) in this group, the very Chinese/ dominant/ demanding methods might not work as well when leaders are trying to organize and administrate the people who are so wrapped in daily American life. Some more preparation time might be good (since everybody is busy with their school and job, advanced notification will probably work better than a week prior to the event.); some more democracy will be awesome!!! Please just quit telling people that they WILL do it. Play more tactfully will probably gain some brownie points in various ways; Talk to others first or even build a "team" for discussion rather than just coming out with what YOU wanna do or that YOU have been touched so WE have to do it.

4. We had our third year anniversary this month too. It was all good. we went out to eat, and were given a fantastic gift by friends. now that perfect gift is sitting pretty on my deck :) happy!

5. We have dicided to prepare for our first baby. So prayers for conception and healthy baby will be deeply appriciated and needed.

6. Recently, there has been ton of people getting sick or having challenges in their life. Friends, let's all try to take good care of ourselves. The body and the health are the treasure God gives to us, please dont take them lightly. Take care of them and love youself more!

7. I made lots of pickeled spicy peppers last saturday. and I made some ultra spicy shui zhu yu last night!! Gee, it was spicy but really really good! Speaking of food, I will be going back to China to visit in 2 months!!!!!!! excited!! of course, if the whole situation about my father stays the same. Uncertainties uncertainties!! gotta love those.

8. I'm supposed to ready 5 chapters today beofore I go to my afternoon class at 1pm. ummm... haven't started yet, and it's 10:47 already. Geeeeeeeeeeee

9. Love you all, study hard and have a great monday <3