Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Just in case some of you thought I've abandoned my site ...

        It has been a while since my previous post. I thought about posting a Chinese one, but I just happened to have time in the office.Oh well.
        Life has been busy. I found myself spending a lot of time reading my diagnosis textbook this semester, because my professor insist in giving quiz every week, and I'm going to take it in one hour and 15 minutes. I don't know why I'm feeling hectic right now. Probably because I know I want to finish this post as soon as possible, but at the same time, I'm afraid it might turn into something meaningless.
        I haven't given too much thinking on assistantship since I started school, but it got me wired up to this direction since Sunday. I prayed for it these days as well, I believe it is an opportunity God gives to me, and now it totally depends on if I'm going to work on it. Unfortuately, I was told by my husband a plan made by our acquaintences, and I was shocked. Even though I knew the plan probably won't get carried out, still it stirred up quite bit dirt. The past few days, when I woke up in the morning, somehow my mind would kind of ponder around that idea for a second or so, then I would hear myself signing. Isn't it amzing to see what an impact someone might have on your life? or pathetic?
       When I was on the bus this morning coming to campus, I prayed about it looking at trees and buildings by the said of the road. He knows what I think, what I want and what I fear. He seems so much more reliable and inviting when your hands and feet are tied up. Fearless.

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